here are a few key things a landlord can do to help prevent damage to a rental property and keep it in the best shape possible.
Maintenance must be performed on a regular basis to prevent some types of property damage. This entails routine checks of the roof, gutters, and pipes to make sure they are in good shape and working correctly. Routine interior inspections should also be performed. Installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can help with safety and help prevent smoke and fire damage. Keeping HVAC and appliance systems regularly maintained and in good working order can help reduce breakdowns and prevent water damage.
Property owners can cooperate with tenants to safeguard their rental properties by explicitly defining their obligations in the lease agreement, performing routine property inspections, and requiring renters to have renter’s insurance. A stringent protocol for handling any damages brought on by tenants can also help ensure that the property is safeguarded.
At the end of the day properties deteriorate over time. Short of repainting your house every year it is going to wear down over time, hence the phrase tenant wear and tear. Most tenants are not going to care for your property as if it were their own because, well it is not their own. Screen your tenants as thoroughly as possible and follow these tips for routine maintenance and inspections and you will be setting yourself up for success.
If you have questions about a property you are thinking about selling, or just questions in general, visit us at or give us a call at 504 264 1407